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Kamis, 29 Maret 2012
Valentino Rossi, Nicky Hayden to test new 2012 Ducati Desmosedici GP12 – MotoGP news
Valentino Rossi, Nicky Hayden to test new 2012 Ducati Desmosedici GP12 – MotoGP news
Valentino Rossi and Nicky Hayden have been called to test the new GP12 at the Jerez circuit just after few days of the Spanish Grand Prix.
Initially, the new Ducati Desmosedici GP12 was test in a shakedown test at Jerez de la Frontera, carried out by Franco Battaini and Vittoriano Guareschi with positive results. The test left to be continued by the Ducati Team riders Valentino Rossi and Nicky Hayden.
Five days prior to the Gran Premio bwin de Espana, Rossi returned to Jerez circuit for a private test by Ducati in continuance to proceed the GP12 testing.
The several times World Champion, Valentino Rossi took his first lap on the Ducati GP12 on early Friday, under bright sun light at Jerez de la Frontera. The day was perfect for a test but some blowing winds were causing a hindrance. Rossi started his test just before afternoon and completed a session with six laps remaining on the count. With a first session, flawless completion of the test was carried out throughout the whole day ending it with a 50 lap run.
“I’m happy,” Valentino Rossi said after the test. “I like the GP12. In my opinion, it’s more enjoyable, more fun to ride. It was the first time we had it on the track, so we had some work to do, but the engine is nicer. It’s a lot of fun, and you can do some nice slides.”
This is the prototype for the next season as the new regulations have ruled out the 800cc class and called the 1000cc back for the race. Rossi was very excited to have a ride on new GP12 and to be among the first few riders to test Ducati machine on track.
Vittoriano Guareschi, who had a shakedown test on Thursday together with Battaini, supervised the Rossi’s test on Friday. Guareschi was joined by the Filippo Preziosi in the briefing sessions between the test runs. While Franco Battaini carried a test on the GP11 electronics and chassis settings, as Rossi has required after facing under-steer issues.
In the enhancement testing of the GP11 with full pace, Battaini will support Rossi and Hayden with engineers for the chassis structure and mechanics from the factory team, Filippo Preziosi, Technical Director looking after the operations.
Filippo Preziosi chose the team riders for the test of new prototype which will be very helpful for the engineers to direct in the right path for improvements. Saturday will be the day for Nicky Hayden t test the new Ducati GP12.
“To be able to work with Vale for a full day is more than any technician could ask. We gathered considerable feedback that we’ll translate into further design and development for next year’s bike,” Guareschi said.
Valentino Rossi and Nicky Hayden have been called to test the new GP12 at the Jerez circuit just after few days of the Spanish Grand Prix.
Initially, the new Ducati Desmosedici GP12 was test in a shakedown test at Jerez de la Frontera, carried out by Franco Battaini and Vittoriano Guareschi with positive results. The test left to be continued by the Ducati Team riders Valentino Rossi and Nicky Hayden.
Five days prior to the Gran Premio bwin de Espana, Rossi returned to Jerez circuit for a private test by Ducati in continuance to proceed the GP12 testing.
The several times World Champion, Valentino Rossi took his first lap on the Ducati GP12 on early Friday, under bright sun light at Jerez de la Frontera. The day was perfect for a test but some blowing winds were causing a hindrance. Rossi started his test just before afternoon and completed a session with six laps remaining on the count. With a first session, flawless completion of the test was carried out throughout the whole day ending it with a 50 lap run.
“I’m happy,” Valentino Rossi said after the test. “I like the GP12. In my opinion, it’s more enjoyable, more fun to ride. It was the first time we had it on the track, so we had some work to do, but the engine is nicer. It’s a lot of fun, and you can do some nice slides.”
This is the prototype for the next season as the new regulations have ruled out the 800cc class and called the 1000cc back for the race. Rossi was very excited to have a ride on new GP12 and to be among the first few riders to test Ducati machine on track.
Vittoriano Guareschi, who had a shakedown test on Thursday together with Battaini, supervised the Rossi’s test on Friday. Guareschi was joined by the Filippo Preziosi in the briefing sessions between the test runs. While Franco Battaini carried a test on the GP11 electronics and chassis settings, as Rossi has required after facing under-steer issues.
In the enhancement testing of the GP11 with full pace, Battaini will support Rossi and Hayden with engineers for the chassis structure and mechanics from the factory team, Filippo Preziosi, Technical Director looking after the operations.
Filippo Preziosi chose the team riders for the test of new prototype which will be very helpful for the engineers to direct in the right path for improvements. Saturday will be the day for Nicky Hayden t test the new Ducati GP12.
“To be able to work with Vale for a full day is more than any technician could ask. We gathered considerable feedback that we’ll translate into further design and development for next year’s bike,” Guareschi said.
Kembali Preziosi Takjub Dengan Duet Rossi Bersama GP12.
Preziosi Sang Pencetus Desmosedici GP Series Sangat Terkesan Dengann Performa Rossi dan GP12 di Mugello.
Valentino Rossi sangat terkesan dengan Ducati Desmosedici GP12, yang baru dicobanya lagi di Sirkuit Mugello, Italia. Begitupun yang dirasakan Filippo Preziosi, otak dibalik terciptanya tunggangan baru The Doctor. Usai finis di urutan enam pada gelaran MotoGP Inggris, akhir pekan lalu, Rossi pulang ke kampung halaman guna menggeber GP12 yang akan digunakan pada musim depan. Setelah melintasi Mugello sebanyak 80 putaran, pembalap 32 tahun mengaku puas.
“Untuk ujicoba kali ini, kami membawakan kerangka terbaru yang dicoba Valentino,. “Tidak lupa juga beberapa hal menarik lainnya. Saya senang bahwa kami menerima respon positif.
“Catatan waktu kali ini lebih baik dibanding ujicoba terakhir, di mana kami sudah berada di jalur yang benar. Terima kasih banyak pada Valentino dan Nicky, semua yang terlibat di tim, dan Ducati, di mana mereka sangat berkomitmen dan selalu bekerja keras,”imbuh Preziosi
Pengujian GP12 Tlah selesei di Mugello
Sesi Pengujian Yang dilakukan Ducati Selama 3 hari berturut-turut di Mugello sudah selesei dengan sangat memuaskan.
Setelah pengujian yg dilakukan hayden akhirnya Valentino Rossi mendapat giliran terakhir untuk melakukan pengujian motor prototipe MotoGP Ducati Desmosedici GP12 pada pukul 11.00 hingga pukul 18.30 waktu setempat. “The Doctor” melakukan pengujian kali ini sebanyak 80 lap. mantappp
“Ini adalah hasil pengujian yang positif lainnya,” kata pembalap Ducati Valentino Rossi, seperti dikutip situs resmi MotoGP. “Saya menguji beberapa komponen, termasuk step terbaru dengan rangka yang saya suka. Secara umum feeling nya sangat bagus. Saya sangat senang dengan mesinnya saat pertama kali mencoba dan sekarang telah mendapat kemajuan pada motor ini,” katanya.Sementara itu, selain pengujian GP12 ternyata pembalap tester dari Ducati Franco Battaini melengkapi sesi pengujian pada kesempatan kali ini dengan motor prototipe Ducati yaitu GP11 dan GP12 dan manajer tim Ducati Vittoriano Guareschi mengikuti kemajuan yang diraih Rossi selama sesi pengujian di garasi Ducati, begitu juga dengan Filippo Preziosi., juga sangat puas dgn adanya kemajuan pada performa gp11 dan gp12.
“Tentunya, kita harus melihat ketika tim lainnya mencoba motor 2012 mereka, tetapi sejauh ini kita merasa puas, motor kami sudah baik. Menunggangi motor di Mugello selalu menyenangkan. Kondisi hari ini telah sempurna, sehingga saya bisa menyelesaikan 80 lap,” tambahnya.
Semoga berguna…
Jumat, 16 Maret 2012
The Perfect Blend of Performance, Handling, and Desire.
Is Honda's CBR600RR the perfect sportbike? Plenty of riders think so. And it's easy to see why. First off, it offers a near magical combination of light weight, free-revving power, compliant suspension and all in a package that’s sized just right.
Next, the CBR600RR has been honed to perfection on the track, where it dominates the World Supersport championship scene. And then there's the CBR's awe-inspiring degree of Honda technology: tuned twin-spar frame, Programmed fuel injection, the Honda Electronic Steering Damper (HESD) and Honda's available Combined ABS that all add up to put the CBR600RR way ahead of anything in the 600 class.
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